On Saturday, April 22, 2023, we produced the second annual FernLeaf Adventure (FAD) Race as a fundraiser for their outdoor…
We started the Asheville Spring Series 2023 with a bang at Wedge Brewery in the River Arts District last night,…
On Saturday, April 8, 2023 in lousy weather conditions, 17 hardy souls trekked about Camp Grier and the surrounding area,…
Results from the first annual Sugaree Shakedown – Orienteering in the Christmas Trees
Results and photos from the latest installment in our St. Patrick’s Day event, O’Rienteering Meet at Lookout Brewing in Black Mountain.
Scatter and Micro-Sprint night orienteering courses at Christmount Assembly in Black Mountain, NC
“Make Friends with Winter” presented by Fjallraven “O,” what a night we had at Highland Brewing Company on Saturday night,…
Results from Jim Hall-O-Ween VI at Christmount in Black Mountain on October 30, 2022.
Results from the final MapRun Monday of the Asheville Summer Series evening street orienteering mini-league.
The debut of MapRun Monday in Greenville, South Carolina was a great success, with over 30 in attendance and 20 discrete results. All five courses were used, and word on the street is that MapRun Monday should be a regular Greenville occurrence. We agree!